Superheroes are Normal?

The lunchroom was insanely crowded, as you expected. It was at this moment that you realized just how many students are attending this school, and suddenly it all made sense on why this campus was as enormous as it was.

Suddenly, you felt a familiar feeling start to squirm in your stomach after you received your food from the extremely packed lunch line. You were nervous, and felt a little lonely due to the students who were laughing with each other and getting to know each other already. You examined the lunchroom to try and find a suitable seat for yourself, trying to narrow down on which people looked nice enough for you to ask if you could sit with them or not.

Looking round, you saw that Effie already started to form a small group of nice-looking people, but there was still plenty of room for others to join her. The people sitting with her were all girls, but they all look to be acting pretty kind to one another. That could definitely be a safe move for you and your lunch complications. Even so, you decide to keep on looking.

Your eyes then landed on a familiar figure, a boy who looked hunched over, and was ferociously scarfing down his spicy curry over rice. It’s that kid with anger issues, Axel, but you realized he was alone. He honestly didn’t seem to mind his own lonesomeness, but for some reason, you still felt like he still deserves at least a little company. Maybe you should take the risk of sitting with him? Maybe you should apologize for the whole thing that happened this morning? This move could definitely define your life or death, but it’s still an option.

Scanning the lunchroom once again, you spot a recognizable head of bright red hair who was taking small bites of her chicken noodle soup, while having small-talk with only a few other people. It was Tinsley, smiling wide at what one of the girls joked about at her table. There was definitely room for you to sit there, but you were kind of intimidated by Tinsley and her demeanor. She can be laughing obnoxiously one moment, then a second later, she could be flashing a terrifying death-glare. Though, she seemed to be in a good mood at the moment, so this could be your chance to maybe get to know her better.

You decide to go for one more good look around the cafeteria before going for a decision. Your eyes crinkled in confusion when you saw a morose-looking boy, lamely poking at his chicken nuggets in the very corner of the room. It was the boy you never got the name of, the half dark, half light kid. He was also alone, which honestly surprised you, because he seemed to catch the attention of almost everyone in the classroom. Apparently you were wrong, because for some reason, nobody even dared to make eye-contact with him. Was everyone...scared of him? You didn’t think he was even close to what people would describe as ‘scary’. In fact, you thought he just looked like a kicked puppy with his downcast eyes. You DID say you never really got his name...maybe this is the time to finally catch it?

You didn’t know why, but you felt like this decision was extremely important and vital to move on with the rest of your day. So, instead of just standing aimlessly, you decide to choose to sit with...
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