Superheroes are Normal?

You decide to sit with the boy in the corner of the lunchroom. He seemed a bit lonely, so why not be a good person and give him a bit of company? You had no second-thoughts about this decision, and made your way to the table.

You stood tall when you reached the boy’s destination, then you politely asked the boy if you could sit with him.

“Hello, do you mind if I sit with you?”

“I-if you’re here because you want to know more about my father, then please leave…” The boy said quietly, not making eye-contact in the process.

“Um, I actually came here because you looked down, and I thought maybe some company could help cheer you up a bit. Also…I literally don’t know who your father is, haha…” You scurried over your last words, thinking that it might offend him for a second, but the response you got was surprising.

“Oh...well, sit down. It’s...kind of a shock that you didn’t come to me thinking about my father.” He looked you in the eyes. He had heterochromia, one eye was hazel, while the other one was black.

You sat down and made yourself comfortable. You started eating in silence, but you noticed two things: You never got the boy’s name, and that the boy wasn’t eating. You wanted the answer to both of these questions, so you did just that.

“I’m so sorry that I didn’t ask this earlier, but I never did catch your name.” You calmly said, trying to make the socially-awkward boy feel comfortable. You could see the obvious stiffness in his features.

“August.” He smiled, then looked away, “Sorry, I guess I’m just kind of... happy? Only my family knows my name. Also, is smiling supposed to hurt?” He asked, genuinely looking for an answer.

You looked at him with widened eyes, “I don’t think it’s supposed to hurt..but I can understand if you haven't smiled in a while? Also, It’s very nice to meet you, August.”

You shot a smile back towards August, and you two started to talk to each other naturally. You learned that August was extremely naive, and didn’t know a single thing about social cues. You were curious, so you asked about it.

“Hey August, I honestly don’t mean this to be offensive or anything, but is it hard for you to socialize with other people?” You tried to ask as nicely as humanly possible.

“Oh...well I just have trouble, because this is my first time in a school.”

“Oh wow, really?”

“Yes, I was homeschooled, but then my father sent me here for me to study to become his successor…” He said morosely, his eyes more downcast than ever before.

“You don’t..seem to be too thrilled about that.” You exclaimed, thinking upon why someone wouldn’t like such an opportunity. The opportunity to become a successor to the number three hero, especially.

August continued to poke at his food, “It’s….complicated.” He didn’t emphasize anything more, so you assumed it was personal. You decided not to press on it anymore.

You sat there, and realized that your second question was never answered. Shoot! Now’s the perfect time!

“August, why aren’t you eating your food? Do you not like it? I don’t blame you, haha!”

“You’re right, I don’t like it...but I decided to get it because my dad wouldn’t ever let me have...what are they called again?” He wondered, mostly to himself, but you decided to answer him anyway.

“You mean, Chicken Nuggets?”

“Yes. Those. Today, I learned that I don’t like...Chicken Nuggets..?” He questioned himself at the end, but you nodded at him, signaling that he said it right.

Still, you didn't want August to go hungry for the rest of the day, so you picked up your side of what seemed to resemble a slice of Red Velvet cake, and handed it to him.

August’s eyes widened, “What is this?”

“It’s red velvet cake, try it!” You ushered him on.

“Red...velvet…?” He murmured, while unwrapping the cake from the clear plastic wrap.

He took his clean fork, and scooped up a small piece of the unwrapped desert. He gently placed the fork in his mouth, then started to chew eerily slow. You stared, wondering what the heck he was thinking while eating a simple piece of cake. After he swallowed, he opened his mouth to speak.

“Can I...have the rest?” He asked.

That’s when you started laughing, then nodded at his previous question. When August was half-way through his cake, the bell had rung, signaling the students to get back to their classrooms. Both you and August stood up, and said your goodbyes. August, though, held you back just for a moment.

“Will you...sit with me more often? You’re fun.” He questioned bluntly.

You of course agreed, and made your way back to your homeroom.
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