Superheroes are Normal?

You decided to go over and sit with Tinsley. You were curious about her, and her unique power as well. Although intimidating-looking, she seemed to be a decent amount of friendly to the other students at her table, so why not!

You make your way over to your destination, and soon, you were meant with a pair of eyes burrowing into your very soul. Tinsley had looks that could kill, and you definitely felt that you were already 6-feet-under. You didn’t waver though, and you stood your ground in the face of a very terrifying-looking force.

You started off shaky, but soon you asked the table in your most fluent tone, “H-hey, do you mind if I sit with you? I won’t be a huge bother, I promise.” You sounded a bit desperate at the end, but whatever, no take backs.

Tinsley nodded, “I’m not stopping you! Go right ahead!” She then gave her best, hearty grin towards you.

Phew! You kinda thought you were totally screwed there, but it seems like you misjudged Tinsley just a bit. She seemed nice, but not the overly-nice that can sometimes get annoying. Her kindness seems to be small in proportion, but it was genuine all the same. You sit down at the table, excited to get to know one of the most “Mysterious”, in your personal opinion, person in your class.

The table was mostly fueled by small-talk. The few people sitting at the table switching off and telling each other some general knowledge about themselves. Although you didn’t think that small-talk was the best thing in the world, it was definitely better than a complete awkward silence looming over the table like the Grim Reaper.

During the small-talk sessions, you noticed something that every person had in common. It was hard to explain, but everyone seemed to have this...grit to them, as if they have the determination equal to the number one hero himself. You found it quite interesting, and you wanted to know the source of not only Tinsley, but the other peoples’ willpower.

Lunch had definitely hit its peak when a curtain question rolled onto your plate.

“Hey! What’s your power? I bet it’s something neat!” A girl across the table sputtered out in excitement and curiosity. Oh crap...what’re you supposed to say to that?

“W-well, you could call me a late bloomer in a sense...because my power hasn’t really manifested yet…” You said in a slight tone of self-loathing, “but I have the gene I should just hope it’ll show up soon.”

Tinsley looked at you with what seemed to be pity, “Well, I’m sure it’ll show up soon, I was like that too, you know?” She comforted to the best of her ability, your head perked up when you listened to her confrontation.

“Huh, what do you mean” You asked.

“Oh, well my power was late too, but not as late as yours...but I definitely get the feeling, it sucks.” She emphasized, “..Also turns out that once it did manifest, it was pretty crappy anyway, hah.” She smiled, but this time, it was blatantly obvious that it was a fake one.

Before you could ask anymore questions or spit out unnecessary comments, the bell had rung within the large dinning hall, signaling the end of the free period. Everyone at the table stood up to put their trays away, and to make their way back to their home rooms.

While you were getting up to do the same thing everyone else was doing, you felt a sharp poke in your side, making you turn around in a rush to see who, or what, just poked everyone’s ticklish spot. It was Tinsley, and her hair seemed to be the poking-culprit, due to the hair-spike slipping back behind Tinsley, as if hiding itself from its responsibilities.

“Oh, sorry about that, my hair has a life of its own, after all. I did wanna get your attention though.” She smiled wide, teeth showing and all, “You seem like a sincere person, and I’m all for it! So, let's hang out sometime? We could maybe workout together...or even train together! O-only if you're into that kinda stuff of course! I’m not pushing you or anything.”

Her offer made you smile, and you quickly accepted the invitation. You quickly realized after you two had parted ways, that you completely misunderstood Tinsley for a person with a tainted heart. On the bright side, you were oddly excited for how Tinsley actually was for who she is. For now though, you should get back to class.
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