Superheroes are Normal?

For some reason, your empathy really got to you about the whole bumping-into-Axel-situation, which honestly wasn’t even your fault, but your heart still felt a burden for some reason. All because of your stupid curiosity, boldness, along with a sliver of guilt, you found yourself standing at the head of the table, about to ask the most feared kid in school if you could sit with him.

You stood your ground and asked with your bravest voice, “Uh, hey. You mind if I sit with you? You seem alone and I think you and I both needed some company.” Axel looked up at you with his mouth stuffed with food and didn’t say anything. Oh god...what did you do now?

Axel swallowed his inhumanly-large bite, then began to speak. Well, more like a calm yell.

“You think I care?!” Was all he said, then he went back to eating his curry.

You raised an eyebrow, then hesitantly put your tray across from his. You sat down slowly, afraid that if you rush into your seat, you might trigger something in the rage monster in front of you. Once you sat down, you began to eat in silence, all while Axel just started to wrap up his meal. Dang, that guy eats at the literal speed of sound.

After he finished his meal, he leaned back into his chair and sighed in satisfaction. Would this be a good time to start some small-talk? You weren’t sure. You didn’t really have that much time to ponder on the thought though when Axel stared at you dead in the eyes. You didn’t know really what to do, so you just waved awkwardly.

Axel’s eyes then drop to your plate, “Why do you eat so bland?” He questioned, but it wasn’t really in the same tone he always talked in. In fact, you thought his voice sounded...lighter?

You stared at your spaghetti, then you opened your mouth to respond, “Eh, I dunno. I wasn’t really in the spicy mood today, so I just went with this, I guess. I didn’t really know what to expect from the cafeteria food here...but I’m still forever petrified but my middle school’s lunch food.” You answered, almost gagging at the thought of the “Mystery Meat” that was your old school’s hamburgers.

Axel did something that you thought would never come out of his mouth unless it was for intimidation reasons, and that was a snort. A LAUGHING snort. Not to mention, it was a GENUINE laughing snort.

Axel had a small smile, “Heh, yeah my old school’s food was way too sketchy for me. I pity the people who actually ate that crap.” His face scrunched in disgust from the memory.

You didn’t expect for this kid to actually be a decent person during this lunch break, but hey...these were some nice conversation topics you were squeezing out of him! Now what can you talk about now is the problem...oh yeah!

“Hey Axel, I can tell that you have a small accent on you...where are you from again?” You asked, knowing where he was from, but wanted to stimulate a conversation topic all the same.

“You serious? I thought I told the whole class that I was from Boston!” He raised his voice, oh shoot.

You tried to calm him down by firing another question, “Boston? That’s cool, I’ve always wanted to visit! What’s it like there?” You ask, genuinely curious on how THIS kid would describe the city of Boston.

Axel thought for a minute, “It’s like living in a crappy small town, but with the perks of the city, you know? Honestly, after living there until now, I realize how conformed and simple it was...I don’t really like it.” He mumbled the last bit, but you still managed to catch it.

You hummed in agreement, “Yeah, I think that living in the same cycle for awhile can also get tiring, so I get it.” He nodded.

Axel was about to open his mouth to say something, but the bell then rang and echoed in the lunchroom, signaling the end of the break period. Axel sighed, then picked up his tray...and YOURS as well. Wow! What a gentleman! Well, a gentleman with one hell of an attitude.

Axel then trudged away with both of your trays, “Later...thanks for sitting with me or whatever…”

You stood there, kinda shocked that he actually thanked you. Then you snapped out of it, then headed straight for your homeroom classroom.
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