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And All Things Will End

You stand before the village of Neskos. It lies on a plateau nestled between a large mountain ridge, known colloquially as the "Titan's Spine". The sun is just cresting the horizon, coating the land in a slightly red aura.

The village itself is relatively small with only a few dozen houses and shops scattered around a fountain, and a few dozen more seemingly placed at random on the outskirts of the village. They do not bother with defenses, as they can only be attacked from a few angles. Dozens of tunnels are carved out into the mountainsides,the lifeblood of Neskos and a testament to the magnificent bounty of the mountains.

You note with some apprehension that you see no signs of life. Your companions seem to notice this as well, but they call no attention to it. You wind up the path to the entrance of the village, passing an abandoned wagon loaded with ore.
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