The Door

Bradley dashes to the right and enters the small passage. The darkness here is so thick that the torch can barely penetrate it, forcing him to take small cautious steps.

He steps forward and feels his foot sink into a thick, warm substance, making a gross squishy sound.

He moves his torch down a bit to see what he has stepped in. It's a red, mucky substance that he doesn't even want to know the composition of.

As he stands there looking at it with a look of revulsion on his face, a figure rises up out of the muck. He stumbles and falls, landing on his ass with a hard thump.

"Bradley! Bro! Fancy seeing you here!" says the muck covered figure, which is a gross parody of a human being.

"Jake?" asks Bradley. Jake was his older brother, whose only interests in life had been breaking into the neighbor's houses, drinking himself stupid and causing as much physical discomfort to Bradley as possible. There was a period of time when Jake was dating a real nice girl, Katie Jensen, and looked like he might actually turn himself around. Guess Jake was just fooling everyone. Katie told Jake that she was pregnant and he seemed real pleased about it. But the next night he got raging drunk and nearly beat Katie to death. She lost the baby, Jake lost Katie and Jake was right back into his old downward spiral of self-destruction.

"Well, its nice to know that you remember me, you useless little cretin." replied Jake.

Bradley, having great difficulty looking at Jake, turns his head away.

"Look at me, you little fuck! How dare you turn away from me. YOU DID THIS! YOU! I should have strangled you in your crib when I had the chance!" raged Jake.
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