The Door

Bradley slowly looks up, afraid of what new monstrosity awaits him.

He sees a woman-like creature looking down at him, blood dripping from her eyes and down her face.

"Well, well," says the creature, "looks like my beloved baby brother has finally been called over for his reward."

My God! Bradley cannot believe that this wretched looking THING is his sister Ariel. At one time she had been known as the town tramp. She was never very choosey and some of the men she had brought home were the scum of the earth. Guess it didn't matter so long as they forked out for a burger at the local Dairy Queen.

One of her favorite taunts to throw at him was to accuse him of being "queer." She even offered to let a couple of her "boyfriends" use him in exchange for drugs. All of them turned down the offer, except for one. Bradley quickly put an end to that with a swift hard kick to the scumbag's groin.

"Notice these ugly things growing out of my back, Bradley dear? They're WINGS, a sick play on my name that amused He who you threw me to, you vile little beast!"

Ariel had always been nasty, but never more so than when she was angry. Right now she was VERY angry, as evidenced by the sudden violent motion of those horrid wings.