The Door

Bradley runs down the passage, fear clutching at his chest in a death grip. His heart pounds and he finds it hard to draw in a deep breath.

He holds up his torch and looks about him, making sure nothing is waiting to attack or confront him from the darkness.

It appears safe enough. Bradley leans against a wall and slowly lowers himself to the floor. He pulls his knees up and wearily rests his head on them.

He can no longer hear the call of The Door and begins to feel as if his decision to enter The Dark had been a mistake.

His breathing becomes easier as his heart rate slows to a more normal beat. His weariness overtakes him and he drifts into a light sleep.

He is awakened by the sensation of something crawling around on his face, hairy legs prodding into his nostrils.

He slams his head backwards, banging it on the wall, hard enough to cause ringing in his ears. There is the nightmare version of a spider dangling in front of his face, like something conjured up in the twisted mind of Tim Burton.

"Aw, did I wake you, Bradley?" asks the spider-thing. "What a shame. But your tour here is not yet done. There are still many who wish to greet you before you reach your final destination."

Bradley sits there horror-struck. The spider swings to and fro, gaining momentum. It gets closer and closer to Bradley's face and he can see the sharp claws on each of it's ugly, hairy legs. It's trying to get close enough to claw and rip at him!
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