Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

"Thomas, what do you think? Shall we check out Elmrow?" you ask him. "I mean, it does resemble the name 'Elmer's Hollow'."
"Elmrow....hmm..." Thomas seems to think for a while, then smiles and nods. "Yes, that just might be the place I am looking for."
"Alright then," you say, focusing on the road and signs again. "It's not far."

You're relieved that you now finally have a destination. Driving around looking for a place that's not even on the map is probably madness anyway.

You leave the highway and follow the signs to Elmrow. The landscape is steadily changing. The vast and flat countryside makes room for more vegetation. The overall colour of the landscape changes from a brown-yellow from the cornfields that stretched out along the highway, to some green and brown shades from trees and grass that have not yet fully regained their strength and colour in this early spring.

Soon you have reached the outskirts of the village. You decrease your speed to have a good look around when you take the sandy road that seems to lead into the village. There's something about this place that makes you feel like you're on a movie set or something. The houses are firm and sober. All of them built of a combination of wood and brick. The streets, if that's the right name for the sandy and irregular roads you cross, seem to be deserted.

You drive on for a little while, then turn to your passenger and ask, "Where would you like me to drop you off?"
Thomas seems to wake up from a daydream. "A little further, at Wellshire Manor," he answers. "You'll know when you see it."
"Okay." You keep following the road. A cloud shifts before the sun and it seems darker outside.

Eventually you see the mansion and you instinctively know you've reached your destination.
This is where I need to be. This is my home.
You're surprised...
Hey! Where did that thought come from? you ask yourself. Odd...
You stop the car and get out, not giving Thomas another thought.

It's quite chilly outside, now that it grows dusk. You don't seem to think twice about the strange fact that it was around noon not so long ago, either.
You inhale the fresh air and feel glad to be finally home, or what would become home from now on.

You can't wait to go inside, but on the other hand you might want to walk through the garden behind the house, where you always loved to hang out.
What's it gonna be?
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