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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

You follow the path to the front of the house. As you approach the stairs that lead up to the front door, the door opens and Thomas stands there with his arms wide open and a big smile on his face.
Your face lights up and it feels like your heart overflows. You pull up your wide red dress, but still manage to almost trip when you run up the stairs and rush into his arms.
"Oh darling. I missed you so much!" Thomas says to you, gently loosening your arms from his neck to look into your eyes.
"I love you so much," you whisper when he takes off your hat and runs his fingers through your flaming red hair. "I know we're gonna be so happy here. I'm so glad we finally don't have to pretend anymore."
"Me too, darling. Me too."
"Still, I feel bad for Margaret," you say softly. You can't help but feel pity for the woman who felt so betrayed by the two of you, though you know that you did the right thing. True love can't be wrong, can it?
"Ammy, don't worry about it. Okay?" Thomas puts an arm around you and leads you inside.

You know you've never been inside the house before and you're overwhelmed by the splendour of the huge interior.
The space is lighted only by the power of some torches and candles on the wall. Tapestries cover large pieces of wall from roof to ground. Soft red carpet covers the wooden floor.
Some meters before you a staircase offers an entrance to the first level, which is supported by firm wooden pillars in the back part of the hall. In the front part you can see all the way to the top of the house, the ceiling painted with tinsel and a tinge of mother-of-pearl.
On both sides of the stairs, on the ground floor, there are several doors that must give way to many different chambers. And you guess there must be some behind the stairs too, but it's too dark to see anything. Though, for a brief moment, you think you see a figure standing there in the dark, but you can't be sure.

After having given you some time to take in your new surroundings, Thomas disrupts the silence by making some suggestions.
"Amilynn, I shall guide you to your chambers now so that you can unpack and rest a bit before supper is served. Or would you rather have me show you the sitting-room and have a cup of tea?"
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