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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

Sleep can wait, and you decide that the mysterious figure in the dark was likely nothing more than a figment of your imagination - after all, it's been a long day, and after all this excitement, you find yourself a bit tired. Exhaustion has probably led to your mind conjuring up silly illusions for you to fall into. Besides, you could always look into this later.

Accepting Thomas' invitation to view the sitting room, you follow him as he leads you towards the first double doors to the right of the staircase. As he pushes the doors open, then extends his arm inwards to allow you inside first - you're a lady, after all - you gasp in wonder. The sitting room turns out even more breathtaking than the entrance hall.

First and foremost, it's huge! Secondly, a roaring fireplace stands as the far wall's centerpiece, surrounded by paintings and tapestries of many different kinds. One of them actually shows a man that seems to resemble Thomas, although you find the artist's rendition of him a bit silly - you much prefer the real walking and talking version to the idealised champion as depicted on the painting. Third, underneath this painting, several chairs are placed before the fire, circling a low wooden table. The both of you take a seat there, settling down on two chairs facing each other.

There are two more doors cornering to the left, one of which - the smaller of the two - opens to reveal a young maid, carrying in a tray of tea pot and two cups. She lowers in a humble curtsey to Thomas, before setting down the tray on the table and taking her leave through the same doorway.

You simply watch as Thomas fills the cups and - without asking, as if he already knows your preference - adds one scoop of sugar, just the way you like your tea, to both cups before handing you one. Smiling thankfully, you accept and hold the cup in both hands to warm them. The tea is too hot to drink right now, anyway.

Now that you're in the sitting room and the tea has arrived, this seems like the perfect moment to break the ice and talk to your love about this joyful reunion. It seems odd, but you suddenly can't remember how you even got to the house - although you know that the plans to move into your love's home had been long settled upon, your mutual friend Geoffrey to pick you up and bring you there safely. Yet the actual memory of that process seems lost to you now. You feel like some pieces of information are missing, for whichever reason, and thoughts of that figure underneath the stairs float back to the surface of your mind. Perhaps Thomas can fill you in on all these things - but where to begin?
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