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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

The road seems to continue on and on, the horizon stretching endlessly on either side of you. The sun is almost fully risen behind you now, a rich golden colour reflecting off your inside mirror. Not a single roadsign thusfar has given you directions to Elmer's Hollow - something you're beginning to get mildly panicked about, since you know you can't just keep driving onwards. Even your handsome hitchhiker would smell trouble at some point.

Though, up till now, Thomas hasn't spoken another word throughout the ride. Every now and then, you sneak a sideways glance at him, and it seems like he is rather uncomfortable sitting there. Funny - he was so smooth before. Is it the ride itself or even you that's bothering him, or his destination? You push the thoughts away, concentrating on your driving instead - it wouldn't do either of you much good to crash straight into a tree or something, now would it?

Another roadsign comes up, and this time, it shows an exit to a gasstation. You check your gasoline meter on the dashboard - it's still a little less than half full, but maybe a quick stop would be good, anyway. You don't know how much longer it is until the next station, and Thomas certainly wouldn't mind to step out of the car, from the looks of him. Then again, a half full tank could take you a long enough way still - the sign also shows a town, not so far ahead. It's called "Elmrow", and you're smart enough to notice the distinct similarity to your goal, "Elmer's Hollow". Maybe that's where Thomas is supposed to be?

Which will it be?