Four Kingdoms, The

If you have one primal instinct, it's fear. Maybe you're a bit of a coward, but you decide your best investment for the future is to stay alive. It beats dying, and only death can come if you stay around the awful creatures. Maybe there's some government experiment gone wrong and you're inside the quarentine zone. It's best to escape, to evade whatever might try to kill you. Sticking around is a bit of a gamble, and you're not a person of chance. You take a minute to make sure you have all your belongings. Money and map in one pocket, key in the other. Everything is as it should be, except for the zombies you left behind. You let your breath out, only now realizing you've been holding it for so long. Panting, you sit on the ground. You're hopelessly lost in the woods with no means of escape.

Looking around the forest, you realize you have no way of figuring out which way to go. Best to start about in one direction until you come to the edge of the forest, you tell yourself. Then again, you have no idea how big the forest is. Maybe you should climb a tree and find out. You aren't particularly equipped for the outdoors, and you happen to be wearing gym shoes. They're great for running, but climbing a tree? Not so much.

It's almost midnight, you realize. Maybe you should wait the night out. You seem to remember some survival skills, although you don't know where you learned them. Maybe you were an outdoor survivalist. If you owned the cabin and hit your head, that would explain everything. If you ran away from your own house, you're going to kill yourself. The only thing this conclusion doesn't explain is the zombies. Did you purposely make yourself forget everything to escape this post-apocalyptic nightmare? It doesn't seem particularly likely, but neither does any scenario.

Your main task, you realize, is to get out of the forest. Maybe you should do it by waiting out the night or maybe by some other means, but you have to decide quickly. It's possible the zombies started after you. In that case, you're dead if you wait around. The voice inside of you says to find a way out of the forest, to do something now, but you don't really have a high level of energy. Running from the zombies made sure of that. You can't accomplish anything, not when you're this tired. You want to fight the urge to rest, but sleep seems like a viable option. Part of you wants to lie down, but you keep telling yourself to stay awake. Which one should you do?
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