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Four Kingdoms, The

Your need to rest outweighs your need to keep going. You decide to build a lean-to, the simplest type of shelter. You walk around, gathering logs, sticks, and anything else you think might be helpful. You take some leaves to use as insulation and put them between the sticks that make the walls of your shelter. It's not the Taj Mahal, but at least it's something. Yawning, you crawl into the shelter. The hear the wind blowing against the walls of the shelter, and you hope the walls will hold. At least the doorway faces away from the wind. Telling yourself you can make it until the morning, you fall asleep.

Two hours later, you wake up hearing a much louder groaning noise. This time there's no mistaking what it is. The zombies have come for you. Tearing out of the shelter, you see the zombies forming a circle around you. Their eyes seem to be transfixed on you, and the gap between them becomes smaller and smaller. You're not sure how to react to the situation. Maybe you should run now, while they're spread farther apart. That's when you spot a box of matches on the ground. You know fire can be uncontrollable. One spark can set the whole forest aflame. Then again, you don't have much time to decide. What are you going to do?
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