Four Kingdoms, The

Best to escape while you can. You're not one to take risks, and setting the forest on fire is a bit of a gamble. You've got two good legs, and they're good enough. Sprinting for the nearest gap in the circle of zombies, you scan the floor ahead, careful as not to trip. You can't be stumbling over your own feet if you want to survive the zombie apocalypse. The zombies start to close in, but you are able to slide through at the last minute. The zombies stop, seemingly aware that you've slipped through their grasp. They turn and start to move toward you, but they no longer have you surrounded.

Knowing you have little time to spare, you run forward. No brains for dinner today. The zombies will be very angry. Although well rested, you have little energy. You'll have to stop somewhere. Luckily for you, you spot a gap between the trees up ahead. Time to get out of this awful wasteland. With the thought of freedom

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