Four Kingdoms, The

You walk through the final group of trees to the edge of the forest. You can't help being glad you're out. That place was creepy, you think, remembering everything that happened. It appears you've come to the side of a road bordering the forest. Maybe a car will come by, you think. Then you could figure out more about what's going on. Then again, it's not very likely. Who would wittingly drive by a zombie-infested forest? You start walking along the road, hoping you'll eventually find a place to rest.

You check your pockets and see that in all the commotion, you've lost the ten dollars. No more money for you. Then again, who needs money in a zombie apocalypse? It's not like a store can operate or anything. Checking to make sure you still have the key in your other pocket, you take some time to study it. A leopard with four wings and four heads, what could it mean? You'll need to see an expert on greek mythology or at least get to a computer. Maybe it's something everyone knows, and you just forgot it along with everything else.

You put the key back into your pocket. There's no way to figure it out if you can't stay alive. You walk ahead, coming to the corner of the forest. It wasn't as big as you'd thought. By your estimate, the forest is about a mile by a mile, and you started near the edge. Escaping wasn't that hard, it was just a matter of keeping your wits about you. Up ahead, you see a truck abandoned on the side of the road. It's turned over on its side, a window shattered. You walk over to it. It might be useful, but maybe it doesn't have any fuel. Turning it upright could be a lot of work for nothing.

You glance around the abandoned road. There doesn't see to be an end. If you stay on your feet, maybe someone will come by. Your feet have almost fallen asleep, and you don't think you have another mile in you. If you don't take this chance, you might not get another one.

You have 2 choices:

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