Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Four Kingdoms, The

You've heard of the army crawl, but the army lie-down may need some improving. What the heck, you think. They're zombies, anything might work. You shut your eyes tight and wait for your impending doom. You open your eyes when it never comes. Instead, the zombies seem confused. They look around, never suspecting you're two feet away.
"Get 'im!" shouts Butch from outside the circle. "Eat his brains!"
The zombies ignore his commands. Apparently hungry, they turn on Butch. You hear him scream. "No! Listen to me! Bad zombies. Bad zombies!"
You look at the zombies attacking Butch. Now is your chance to escape. Ignoring Butch's cries, you run from the zombies. Ahead, you see the exit to the forest. You're finally free!

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