Four Kingdoms, The

You can't walk another step, and there's no kidding yourself. After a bit of heaving, you get the van to stand upright. You now have a lot less energy. This had better work, you think to yourself as you open the driver's door. If it doesn't, you're dead. You take a step into the car and collapse onto the driver's seat. It seems like so long ago that you woke up in the forest. With your money gone, it seems longer. The zombies have almost faded from your memory, but they left a sour imprint. You must not encounter a single zombie again.

As you start up the van, you hear something rattling in the trunk. You hit the brakes and slow to a stop. The rattling continues, more like a banging. Maybe there's something helpful in the trunk, you tell yourself. Maybe there's supplies. Not that you need to be taking any unneccesary risks, but there's only one way to find out what's making all the noise in the trunk. It's now or never.
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