The Machinist Child

You walk out of the factory peacefully. Outside you meet Prinevo and Mora who both have been given their weapons back . The Bishops lead you back to the monorail, you enter, heading back toward the city. Explaining the situation with Mora and Prinevo, they are none too pleased with the idea of befriending the rebels then leading them to slaughter.

With a concerned gaze Mora tells you, “…Well whatever you decide to do, I know my best chance is with you Garen.” Placing your hand on her shoulder you thank her for her loyalty and friendship.

Back at Prinevo’s lab the Montezuma is still intact and you decide it is your best means of getting to the rebel hideout. The propulsion systems seem to work inside the Sphere. This time though you decide to be better equipped for killer robots. From out of the supply room you grab three Electro-magnetic blade tools, used to cut through thick metal doors and now, robots. You provide one to both Prinevo and Mora. These tools should easily slice through any robot that engages you in close combat.

Mora is almost surgical with the Neuron beam rifle so you have her keep that, while you go for the Grav Gun. Technically used to lift heavy rocks and debris away from archaeological sites, the grav gun can either crush a target by making it incredibly dense or send a target flying through the air by making them light as a feather. Any robot messes with you and you can crush them into a can or shoot them into the atmosphere. The only problem is it’s a bit heavy, but you’re a burly guy.

Starting up the ship, you pilot the Montezuma out of the city and toward the coordinates given to you by the Machinist Child. Vast countryside prevails over most of what you see, until the ships scanners picks up human life in what looks like a bombed out, abandoned town. You land the ship nearby , exit and head toward the town.

The Montezuma’s scanners picked up human life forms in the area, but from what you can see there is none. All is quiet on the western front as it were. Walking down the streets you and Mora shout for help, but no one emerges.

“Perhaps your ships systems are malfunctioning?” Prinevo suggests.

“I don’t think that’s-“

You are cut off when a laser beam flies by your face, sizzling into the ruined street. A barrage of lasers rain down around you, Mora and Prinevo as you run for cover in a bombed out hotel. Turning around in the street you see what attacks you, massive robots, with back rocket thrusters are firing from the air.

“Prinevo!” You shout, knowing he is an encyclopedia of Sphoros. He knows exactly what you want.

“It’s called a Guardian! A warbot follower of the Machinist boy! Incredibly dangerous!”

Of course it is, you think. It’s shooting at you.

All around you a primal yell is heard and from hidden doors and behind crumbling structures emerge a force of humans! They scream a battle cry as they charge into the streets, firing laser rifles at the Guardian warbots.

Four Guardians land, causing the earth to shake. They make the Bishops look like tinker toys. These machines are outfitted with shoulder laser cannons, missile ports on their chests and are wielding an ornately decorated staff, with whirling blades on each end. Behind them you see some Bishops and Prophet hover droids joining the fray.

A large skirmish ensues between the robots and humans, your team caught in the middle. You have no choice, you have to fight. Mora starts firing her beam rifle at an approaching guardian puncturing it with holes but doing little to slow the machine down. It slams down with its staff, kicking up debris with the whirling saw blades. You use the Grav gun to pick up a large chunk of concrete, chucking it into the guardian’s chest, this does nothing to it besides put the focus on you.

It turns and begins firing its shoulder lasers at you. You can’t avoid it, you are hit by the lasers but the mobile shield holds, reading at 62%. You dive behind a pillar for cover, the guardian now being attacked by the rebel humans. The guardian cuts down one fighter with its saw blade staff, cutting him vertically down the middle. An agonizing scream is punctuated by the splattering sound of falling entrails and organs.

Using cover you continue the technique of throwing rocks at the warbot with the grav gun. It’s not working very well. The guardian continues on it’s path of terror, blowing away human fighters with close range missiles, engulfing them in flames with eye beams all while the shoulder lasers are mowing down everything in its path. These humans don’t have a prayer.
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