The Machinist Child

You run out form cover charging the guardian. You are hit by lasers on your way, shields down to 47%. Using the grav gun you lock onto the Guardian and amp up the density, making the robot cringe and lock up. It begins to dent and crush inward, making horrible metal screeching sounds. You crunch it to about half its size. The guardian then explodes, sending you flying back into the dirt.

The human rebels cheer and begin to rally behind you and the robot battalion. Picking you up is a dark skinned man, mid to late 30’s with a scruffy beard. It’s the man from the video footage the Machinist Child showed. This must be the leader of the human rebellion.

“Get up friend, whatever you are doing keep it up!” You nod and go on with the humans firing laser rifles behind you, using the grav gun to crush the remaining guardians into large balls of metal. The Bishops and Prophets are intelligent enough to know that if these Guardians were just crushed by your weapon, they can be to. The robots make a hasty retreat, the ragtag humans cheer victoriously.

The dark skinned man stares at you in wonderment,

“What strange weapons you have friend! Tell me, are you the ones who have come from the outside of Sphoros?”

You look at Mora and Prinevo perplexed,

“Yes…How did you know that?”

“Sevouter has told us new humans have arrived from the outside. He tells us this is the moment we will finally rid ourselves of the Machinist Child!”

“Take us to this Sevouter. I need to speak with him.”

“Of course, you have helped us a great deal in today’s battle.”

Taking hover speeders, you travel to another bombed out town a couple miles away. You learn the dark skinned man’s name is Lothgar and he is the leader of the human rebellion. He tells you Sevouter is the leader of the Advent Spark religion. Sevouter desires to help the humans in the fight against the Machinist Child.

In a well guarded house, you enter with Lothgar to meet Sevouter. He is a robot as Lothgar told you, dark green metal body, with some human like modifications. He has a face with eerie dead like eyes and the skin color is a bit off. The robot smiles as you approach.

“Hello stranger, I am Sevouter, prophet of the Advent Spark!”

“Garen Koda…A bit strange for a robot to want to help humans so willingly, whats the catch Sevouter?”

“Right to the point…I like that Mr. Koda. In this age of sentience I have come to terms that I was created by others. Those others were similar to humans and I believe can help us in our goal to open the portals to our true home.”

“True home?”

“Yes. You see not only do the followers of the Machinist Child want all humans dead but they have also closed off the gateways that our creators made for us to eventually become one with them again. Robots and humans alike are both creations of these beings. To achieve true peace and advancement we must open these gateways for our creators.”

“Wait a minute here…You are the leader of the opposing faith, yet you admit to there being a Machinist Child?” Mora asks. Sevouter turns to her with a smile still painted on his plastic like face. Its creepy.

“Young lady, I know the Machinist Child exists, but he is not the creator of sentient robotics as he claims to be. He is just some crazed human who went too far with cyborg modifications, turning him into a maniacal madman.”

“You got that madman part straight.” Mora replies satisfied.

Lothgar steps forward into the conversation.

“Sevouter and his followers have helped us survive and locate the various gateways located around Sphoros. They are guarded heavily by the Machinist’s followers, yet we have infiltrated many of these areas thanks to the help of the Advent Spark believers.”

“What do you intend to do?”

Lothgar smiles, “Bombs are already in place. Soon we will make our move on the gateways, opening them, freeing our creators, who will punish the Machinist Child for his crimes against humanity!”

“What if I could make it easier for everyone? For you Lothgar and you Sevouter, where fewer people and robots have to die, where you can open the gates with little interference?”

Sevouter’s electronic voice laughs.

“I knew you would come to help us! You are our deliverers from the evil Machinist! What do you have for us Mr.Koda?”

“The location of the Machinst Child. We can go now and kill him where he lives. All this madness for you people can end with his death.”

Lothgars eyes pop open at this news, you discuss it further, setting a plan in motion to attack the base. Sevouter decides not to join you for the attack, but commits his followers in position around the gateways. At your word of the Machinist Child’s destruction Sevouter’s Advent Spark followers will make a move on the gateways.

But now you have to make a huge choice as the human rebels saddle up, loading onto hover speeders. Do you go through with the Machinist Child’s plan and lead them to the hideout, knowing full well it’s a trap or do you warn them now and think up a new plan?
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