The Machinist Child

Moral decency gets the better of you. Willingly you cannot lead these people to their deaths because of the threats of an angry cyborg. You reveal the original trap set out by the Machinist Child. Sevouter becomes enraged.

“That faithless worm! His deviance knows no bounds! I can cause mayhem and death just as well as he can Mr. Koda! We still have his location…if we do not approach as he expects we could still assassinate him, yes?”

“In theory, but it would be dangerous.”

“A risk I and Lothgar are willing to make in the name of the truth of the Advent Spark!” Sevouter’s human like scowl and electronic baritone let you know that he is no robot to be trifled with. He means business just as much as the Machinist Child.

A plan is soon formulated involving you bringing part of the human rebellion as the child expects, yet there will be another group of humans and Sevouter’s robot followers who will attack from the roof of the factory the Machinist Child calls home. Using bombs, you can swarm the facility and make a quick hit. Escape will be a simple run like hell. Crude, but it could work. You rather attempt this then obey the orders of the Machinist anyway.

Before you kill the child though you hope to download his CPU mainframe so you can find the access codes to disable the propulsion disruption field surrounding Sphoros. Prinevo informs you that they should be within his memory banks and that this would be the best method for getting back home. Maybe you can have your cake and eat it to?

You ready the men and load up onto hover speeders, heading toward the abandoned factory district. As you near the factories, Mora glares at you with that ‘ I hope you know what you’re doing’ look. You hope so to.
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