The Machinist Child

As explosions occur all around you, fear causes you to start running in the opposite direction. Dropping the grav gun, you don't even look to see if Mora or Prinevo are following you.

Eventually you have to stop and gasp for air. You look around and see the battle is off in the distance. You are safe for now. You keep walking away hoping Mora and Prinevo will catch up soon. You aren't sure what to do now.

You turn a corner and walk into a metal post. You fall to the ground, looking up. The metal post is actually the leg of a Guardian warbot you have just snuck up on apparently. He turns around.

"Human rebel....eradication imminent"

You scream in terror, running yet again. You are so tired the Guardian is keeping right up, his shoulder laser turrets dissipating your shields to nothing in seconds. You fall face first in the dust from exhaustion. Whirling around, you slowly stand and put your hands up to indicate surrender to the Guardian.

The robot seems to be confused, he stares at you.

"Analysis of situation...Surrender is not an option for human rebel. Eradication imminent."

"No! Don't! I'm not a rebel! I'm a-"

A missile launches from the warbots chest port, blowing you into little chunks. You died a coward.
End Of Story