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The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

The best course of action you decide is to head down to the engineering room to manually turn back on the ships lights. You head into the bridge lift and down to the engineering deck. You gingerly walk through the halls towards the main control room. Dim, red flashing is your only source of light so running is out of the question. You snake by a couple of blue cacti in the hall, carefully entering the main engineering control room.

You know exactly where the manual power terminals are and head over to them, switching on the lights from the computer terminals. You hear the lights power source powering on, a few seconds pass and the lights flicker back to life, illuminating the entire room.

The poison cactus obstacles shouldnt be too much of an issue anymore, but you still need to be wise with your movements. It's taken you 30 minutes to do all this. One in a half hours left before Solitaire destroys the ship. What next?
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