The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

You are much swifter now with the lights back on and are able to head to the nearby security offices to check where Solitaire has been on your ship.

The security room is full of touch activated consoles and monitors line every wall, showing off various parts of the ship. You head to a console with dim purple and blue lights on it, which is in front of a large monitor. You punch in on the touch console the video logs for unidentified intruders on the ship. The monitor switches from a live view of the bridge to about 15 minutes in the past, showing the lounge bar area of the ship.

You don't see Solitaire on the screen, perhaps he is screwing with the electronics on the ship, you ponder. A chair and table in the lounge is suddenly picked up by nothing and thrown across the room, knocking down a couple bar stools. A cackling laughter is audible as this happens. He must be invisible you think to yourself.

You move swiftly to the bar lounge, hoping Solitaire is still present. You start running around like a wild man, swinging your arms wildly in an attempt to tag your advesary. You realize this has just been a giant time waster as you will never be able to see Solitaire without something to track him. He could be 2 feet away from you and you would never know it. The datapad in your personal quarters is your only shot. You check to see how much time you have left....10 minutes.

You are furious that you wasted so much time, the datapad should of been your first priority. You begin to run as fast as you can to your room, turning quarters in the halls on a dime.

Sweat begins to pour down your face as you turn the last corner to get to your room. As you fly around the corner you are greeted by a Septonian blue cactus in the shape of one of your crew mates. You spin out of the way, but you were running much too fast, you are pricked in your right arm with two long red needles. You hit against the opposite wall hard and yank out the needles quickly, yet you see your veins already turning black. It spreads from your arm to your chest as the fast acting poison consume your vital organs. You begin to shake violently, sliding to the hallway floor. A chilling feeling envelopes you as everything goes dark.
End Of Story