The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

You walk swiftly to your room to get the datapad. With the lights on, avoiding the cactus crew is easy. Entering your quarters you grab the datapad off of your nightstand. You can track anyone on the ship with this, inculding intruders. If Solitaire has a physical form, even if he is invisible, he will be picked up by this device.

You punch in the codes to view the location of an unauthorized intruder. One blip comes up on the ships map. It's Solitaire...hiding near the reactor core of the ship. You head out of your quarters with the datapad, tracking Solitaires every move. He doesn't seem to be leaving the reactor core deck, just wandering around it.

You know if you want to get close you will have to use another Iquaan mind technique as Solitaire will surely see your plan. You begin a "brain fog", which creates multiple thoughts along with your thought you wish to remain hidden. This usually confuses a mind reading opponent as they can't decipher the true intent of a plan that is muddled with all sorts of different thoughts. You focus hard on the brain fog, but feel you are a bit rusty, only able to form 4 other different thought trains. You need to find the intruder fast before he catches on.

You enter the reactor core deck, looking around for any signs of Solitaire. All you see is the massive reactor in the center of the room, a soft humming noise coming from the blue energy of the core. He has chosen to remain invisible. On the datapad he is 8 meters to your left. You decide to look to your right instead. 5 meters. He is walking closer to you. The brain fog has fooled him.

You lunge quickly to your left, dropping the datapad, swinging your arms wildly at the air. The third swing you strike a gelatin like surface. Solitaire appears, another stunned look on his face.

" ME?" He states, bewildered.

"Ahh...there you are Solitaire! I missed you! Mind changing the crew back to normal now that I've beaten you?"

Solitaire grimaces. "Whatever Darkblade...I have a more important date with Iquaast now. I doubt you can beat me three times in one day. Alhoa!"

With that Solitaire teleports out of the ship. You witness the crew on the reactor core deck changing back into their normal forms. You breathe a sigh of relief, but it's not over yet. You have to go save a planet now.

You have 1 choice:

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