From Darkness It Comes

Beyond the Veil: The Darker Side

Much to Darrin's surprise the university has a large collection of occult and paranormal books and literature. There is an entire small wing devoted to it. He has no idea where to begin so he randomly walks through the row and grabs one with his eyes closed. Taking a seat in a leather chair he opens it to a random page and begins to read.

Many have been quoted saying "evil lies sleeping below the surface." Some think it is symbolic of the dark side we have inside and others believe it talks about the temptations of Satan. What most don't realize is that there are ancient evils that are far more tangible that have lain dormant below the surface of the earth for millions of years. Although they are works of fiction the writings of h. p. Lovecraft touch closely on the truth below the surface of our world.

The true elements and forces of evil live manifest in physical beings of immense size and power below the earths surface. Although they are asleep it is a restless sleep in which they seep dark energy into the world above that influences all of us that come in contact with it. Every evil in the world can be tied back to these ancients and the largest evils coincide with moments where they nearly awoke: the Christian Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler's Third Reich, etc. Only through the tireless efforts of large Wiccan and occult organizations were the ancients slumber maintained in these trying times.

If even one of them were ever to awaken the world as we know it would be over, as would all life. It was only their slumber that allowed our civilization to evolve and grow as it has. In the old times before man the ancients ruled a world of darkness and suffering where they battled each other over who was the most powerful and evil. It was these battles that led to their slumber and the eventual growth of man.

Since they have been buried since before the time of man no human has ever laid eyes upon them. Their true form is unknown, although many have speculated as to their appearance and their names. It is believed that to lay eyes upon or touch them would instantly destroy your mind and drive you the edge of insanity or death. Even though most who believe and know of these evils there are some who still seek them out and wish to see or tap into their power.

The location of the ancients is lost to time, but there is speculation as to where some of them can be found. There is even strong evidence that one of the lesser ancients, a sentient fungus larger than many states of the union, lies below the north eastern United States. The large fungal growth of it's skin may have been unearthed over the last several years, but most discussions of it have been silenced by the same secret organizations that prevented the end of the world time and time again as the ancients stirred.

Others are believed to be found in some of the following positions around the world:

Below the sea floor in the great trench where the ocean waters boil down deep just north of the island of Nauru. Mystics have said that one of the most powerful ancients lies here.

Scanning the list Darrin is dumbstruck by the sight of some familiar ground being mentioned. The part of this very state where this very university is located. According to this author an ancient of shadow and deception is believed to be sleeping deep below the forests and mountains of the region. A shudder runs down his spine and slaps the book closed.

It's a good thing I don't believe any of this kind of crap. He thinks to himself as he puts the book back and looks around. He decides to do something else to try and shake this eerie feeling crawling over his skin and through his bones.
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