From Darkness It Comes

Philosophically Speaking

Darrin readsÂ…

There are those that believe we were created by an all powerful father figure that watches over us and guides us in our actions. There are others that believe that everything is part of a great plan and everything is destined to happen no matter what you do. There are those that believe that there are great forces at work that cause events to happen as their will and there is little we can do to change things. These are all belief structures used as excuses for inappropriate and unpleasant actions of ourselves and our fellow man. If human nature was controlled by external forces we would be free from the guilt and pain caused by our actions and this is an appealing hypothesis for many.

Unfortunately there is another side of the coin. A more plausible side. Man is in control of his own destiny and actions. His choices and the results are his to deal with, good or bad. Beliefs and guilt are based on the culture and society they were brought up and not some built in creation of a higher being. Every choice can lead to any number of consequences and even more choices. There are no wrong choices other than those you yourself decide are wrong, as per your culture and upbringing. Every moment of a life us like a story where you choose where it goes next. Some choices lead to the same place and other take you somewhere completely different.

Now comes the part you may find hard to believe or even visualize. What if you are not the one in control of the story. What if the free will does not belong to you or a higher power? What if the choices belonged to another normal person, not too unlike yourself? And your life is in their hands. It is but a story they are reading, where they put thoughts and actions into your head and make you believe they are yours. What if we are all but puppets in somebody else's story. Players in play, dreamed by a man.

You still following me on this one friend? Because here's where it gets bumpy. How long have we existed? Have we had a childhood? Father? Mother? An entire family history going back generations? Did we even exist before this moment? What if our thoughts and memories are nothing more than parts of the story. Nothing more than facade set to convince us that we have existed all that time. Everything outside of the moment does not exist as anything more than our memories of them. If it is not part of the story it does not need to be.

If this is all but a story, a play within a dream, what happens if the dreamer wakes up? Do we all cease to exist? Pop out of non-existence like nothing more than a fleeting thought? And what if the dreamer has a nightmare? They lose control of their own choices and the fears of the subconscious choose for them. What becomes of us if that happens? Do we have any clue that this isn't the case? I mean, what evils can be unleashed if a nightmare was to take over the pleasant life we have been leading here for what we think is years.

Sweet dreams.

Â…Darrin decides it's time to move on to something else.
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