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A large army composed of mainly volunteers along with a number of trained crusaders has been assembled under your command. You currently have no siege weapons available to you because the last time a siege was conducted was almost a century ago back when the Church conquered all of the civilized provinces. The only siege weapons remaining from the Great War are rotting in storage facilities and fields, no longer fit for any sort of practical use. Essentially, most war materials you require will have to be constructed. Right now your resources are primarily manpower, endless faith in the Lord and the righteousness and support of the almighty himself. He certainly will not allow the temple of Ducount to fall to these barbaric savages.
Your information on the enemy is limited. You know that the forest people changed their tactics and ways dramatically. It is unknown what their current numbers are or how they have been able to infiltrate the temple. It is suspected that they have allied themselves with demon's to make use of their magic's. You should be ready for anything. They have added fortifications to the temple and prepared it for an all out siege. The Church requires that you press an attack immediately lest the peoples faith in the Church be shaken by this sudden act of aggression by the forest people.
There are three primary attack options you have at this point in time. You may mass troops against the high walls of the fortress with ladders in an attempt to overwhelm the enemy and climb over the walls and take the fortress by brute force. A second option is to attempt to tunnel directly under the walls, collapsing them and allowing you to enter the temple with ease. A third option is to surround the fortress-temple and simply wait until the forest people starve. The choice is yours commander, you are in control of the Crusader Legions. Do not fail the Church, for failure means failure to God and a loss of favor in his eyes.
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