Red Outbreak

Monday 15th Oct 2012.

Landon reached over and hit the button atop his alarm system again. The music abruptly stopped and the room was quiet once again. He closed his eyes, smiling to himself at the welcoming silence, the purring comfort of his glorious pillow, his most soft covers and luxurious IKEA mattress, the ever so relaxed feeling of being able to stay in bed when you’ve been rudely awoken, that beautiful girl wondering down the street, dressed in her provocative attire, turning around and beckoning Landon to join her…

Landon’s eyes flew open to the sound of sirens outside his apartment complex, screeching a perfect example of the Doppler Effect in full action. He blinked, then rubbed his eyes, then blinked again. The green digital display of his alarm showed eight forty-two. As if the dying squeal of the siren pulled his mind into the emergency room, Landon tensed as if he had been electrocuted.

“Ah SHIT!”

Landon bolted up and out of his bed, hastily picking up the covers off the floor and half throwing it back. Shit, he was going to be late again! The second time this month! His boss was not the most prized specimen of the human species and Landon was pretty damn sure that here in the good old NYC, a douche like his boss would be happy to singe a few hairs over a few minutes of tardiness. Last time, for being five minutes late, Landon had been ground through a twenty minute talk on the importance of time keeping. Isn’t that counterproductive? Isn’t that simply poor morale strategy? His boss was such a retard in management skills.

By the time Landon had gone through a quick bathroom routine and donned his suit and tie, the clock was displaying eight fifty five. Well, it takes a minimum of twenty minutes commute time from his pad in Queens to the office in Lower Manhattan, and that was on a good day. The New York metro was punctual, but the people certainly were not polite. Hopefully, today may just be crowd free! Landon grabbed his suitcase, pocketed his wallet and phone, and practically stumbled out into the hallway of his apartment complex.