Red Outbreak

Monday 15th Oct 2012.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me!
I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb,
In the shape of an L on her fore-


Landon groaned and allowed his hand to slide off the chirping alarm clock. Snooze you damn machine, I don’t even need to get up so damn early, he thought. Then why oh why, his brain said, did you set the damn thing for half six in the morning?

Landon slowly opened his lids, noticed the morning sun forcing its way through the gaps of his blinds, and decided to shut them again. He wriggled his tongue around his mouth, giving off a grunt at how shagged up his chops seemed to be, then forced his eyes open. Monday morning, oh so glorious. Landon raised himself unto his elbows and rubbed his eyes with one hand, the dimness of his bedroom beckoning him to fall back and relax once more.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

-to our monthly subscribers, let us remind you it’s the winning hour and all your entries will be answered! Now, let’s hear it for Wake Up by Arcade Fire. Monday morning folks! Let’s get rolling!

The sound of guitars and drums building up to something epic reverberated throughout the bedroom and Landon gave a nod of approval as he fell back down into the welcoming embrace of his cushions, staring up at some unintentional paint patterns upon his ceiling. Monday morning. Oh so glorious indeed. Shall we get rolling?