Red Outbreak

Monday 15th Oct 2012

As soon as the door shut, Landon jogged his way down the hall to where the elevator doors were. He practically smacked the down button and started tapping his thighs with his fingers, a nervous habit he’s had since God knows when. Probably some side effect of once learning how to be on stage without pissing himself out of fear.

The numbers began changing and Landon sighed, noticing that the elevator was coming down from the top most floors. He looked out the window. It was a nice day with a temperate feel. Soon it would be Christmas and before you know it, snow will come and everything will be all fun and cold. Until then though, fall was going to bring some nice brown and red to the green and the wonders of rain. Landon watched as some leaves fell past the window, drifting slowly down. He also noticed some guy running down the road in a suit, half trying to enter something onto his cellphone, half trying not to trip up. Poor bastard was probably just like Landon. Late for work and hoping to Jesus himself that dickhead bosses will not toss your ass right out.

The elevator doors pinned and opened. Landon rushed in then pounded the number one. This was some day. He would have liked to take his regular coffee to go too. Monday was the day of pain after all, and Landon needed his coffee to kick start the week. Without it, the week would be shit. He just knew it. Every time he missed out on a Monday morning fix, the week ahead would be a grind. The boss would be stiff as sun dried shit, Landon’s co-workers would be boring and slow, the clients would have complaints after complaints, and the city itself seemed to stink of something rotten. Landon closed his eyes and huffed. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Gotta love the Mondays in good old NYC.

The elevator pinned and the doors slid open. Landon straightened himself and took a step. He looked up and noticed his landlord standing there all solemn and bloody. The guy was just waiting for him? Landon faltered and reached out a hand. What the hell? The guy looked absolutely wasted. His shirt was torn and it seemed as if someone had stuck a blade through the poor bastard’s neck.

“Hey Robby, the hell happened to you?”

And Robby growled a screeching sound before jumping forth to Landon. The man grabbed Landon’s lapels and with the momentum, forced both of them back into the elevator. Landon didn’t even scream as the shock froze him up. He gasped as his feet tripped and slipped, his suitcase falling with a clatter to the floor. They both went down fast and Landon’s head connected hard with the metal railing surrounding the walls of the elevator. A splatter of blood sprayed across the tiles and a scream of agony escaped Landon's lips as the elevator doors slid shut.



It’s a beautiful day!
Sky falls, you feel like,
It’s a beautiful day!
Don’t let it get away…
End Of Story