The Machinist Child

You decide to lead the human rebellion to the trap. Hoping the ends will justify the means and you will be able to escape this place with your life. Lothgar gets his army ready, loading up supplies on hover speeders. You lie to him saying that the opposition is light at the factory where the boy resides.

On the ride there you whisper to Mora what you have done. She is disgusted, but realizes you had to make a difficult choice. You tell her to stay close when the lasers start flying.

Arriving at the abandoned factories, it is eerily quiet. No sign of any robot in the area. You, Lothgar, Mora and Prinevo lead the army through the desolate avenues. Nearing the Machinist Child’s hideout, a Grand Prophet hover droid whirls out in front of the group. From alleyways emerge Bishops and Guardians, an entire army forms. As more and more arrive you find that the entire human rebellion is surrounded by thousands of robots.

The prophet droid speaks.

“Koda…The lord of Sphoros desires your audience.” You nod as Lothgars jaw drops.

“What is this?!” He shouts at your back. Turning back , you see thousands of faces; faces you are going to let die.

“I’m sorry…I had to do what I thought was right.”

Lothgar’s eyes bulge.


“You’re not my kind Lothgar... I don’t belong here in Sphoros…I’m…I’m so sorry.”

“TELL THAT TO THE DEVIL WHEN YOU BURN IN HELL!” He aims a laser rifle at you.

You whip out your pistol, fire, blowing off his hands. He cries in anguish as he looks at the burnt stubs that were once his hands. You, Mora and Prinevo quickly move behind the robot wall as the human rebels start to scream in rage.

A few moments later you look over your shoulder to see the massacre. The robots have the humans surrounded and are blasting them to dust. There is no escape; you believe you have just helped end all human life within Sphoros. As you enter the Machinist Child’s domain, you can thankfully no longer hear the screams of the people you have thrown to the wolves.