The Machinist Child

Through the dark hallway past the rusty doors, your group enters the Machinist Childs lair yet again. He is on his mech, staring at various screens showing the massacre outside.

“I’ve done as you asked. Now please let my friends go.”

The boy turns.

Those lifeless eyes chilling you to the bone.

“Koda…you have saved Sphoros from humanity….I thank you.”

You begrudgingly nod.

“But….I cannot help but wish to have…an ally in my future goals…a friend…like me.”

Oh God, you think.

“What are you talking about?!”

Your family hologram from the wrist computer flashes on again.

“It’s all I’ve thought about since you left Koda….You love that human boy, don’t you.”

You begin to tear up, knowing this can’t end well.

“I love him with all my heart! All I want is to see him again!”

He stares at you, your body is tightening.

“I…will be your son….and you will…be my father.”

Holy hell….

“I can begin….the modifications…as soon as you are ready to let go.”

“Let go of what?” You reply.

“Let go of your… humanity.”

With that his eyes flicker blue, filling the tubes with the scientists up with corrosive acid.


“I have found…the best solution for both of us Father. You will always have a son to love and I will always have… a father.” You realize now this boy truly is a psychopath.

Dr.Wun pounds on his tomb as the acid dissolves him away slowly. His muffled screams are excruciating. The other archaeologists do the same, begging for a quicker death.

Prinevo shakily steps forward, defiant towards the child.

“You call yourself a God?! God is supposed to be benevolent and loving! You are a boy full of nothing but hatred and lies!”

Upon saying this, Prinevo falls, clunking to the floor, his eyes fade out. Prinevo is deactivated.

The boy cackles in amusement.

Looking back at the tubes, all the scientists are floating skeletal corpses in the vats of acid. Prinevo drops dead, scientists boiled; you can only assume the child will kill Mora next. You look into each-other’s eyes, she is frightened.

“Garen, we have to get out of here!”

You can either fight the Machinist Child with Mora or…become his cyborg ally.
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