Reality Shift

"Seriously, though, Isaac's Bitchin' Sweet House Hell Yeah?"

"Shut up," repeated Isaac. "It had to be a unique variable name, and it was the first one I could think of which hadn't been used before."

"I can't imagine why," said Vince, taking the recliner closest to the door. "It's very professional."

"Oh, like it matters," said Isaac, rolling his eyes. "Besides, it's only temporary. In a year or two, I'll upgrade my space, and some other guy will come along and rename it after it's been reformatted."

"Fair enough," said Vince. He sat twiddling his thumbs while Isaac scrolled through the listings of available simulations. "So, do you have a boner for the Silicon Valley era, or what?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake," muttered Isaac, putting his head in his hands.

"Seriously!" said Vince, looking around. "It's like a historical reenactment of one of the most boring periods of history, ever. Technology has made the physical space irrelevant, but everything still has to exist in tangible form. There's a reason history classes gloss over everything after World War II, maybe the Cold War."

"You just cannot stop poking at that dildo up your ass, can you?" replied Isaac, glaring over at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were such an old man! Seriously, is this even your house? It's boring! Where are the swords? Where are the pillars of fire? Where are the lusty big-breasted women? Is this really your house, or did you just tell your parents to go out shopping for the day?"

"You want proof this is my house? Fine. Computer..."