Reality Shift

Vince yelped in surprise as his suit was suddenly replaced with a full ballerina costume. "Is this really necessary?" he asked, struggling with the frilled layers of tutu.

"No, but it's funny as hell," replied Isaac.

"You're an ass."

"You deserved it. Anyway, I figure for our first simulation, we should go for a hardcore battle sim, since Yggdrasil doesn't have many of those. I'm assuming you don't want to wait in an upload line for very long, which leaves us with two choices.

"The first one is 'The Throne of Dagmar'. It's a bit cheesy, but I know the guy, so we can get priority entrance. He's taking his own spin on the current Medieval trend by having the PCs as barbarians fighting againsts wizards, knights, and dragons. It's pretty fun, even if it does usually devolve into a massive PvP gorefest where no one wins.

"The second one is 'Assault on Sector Nine'. It's set in one of those imaginary futures where humanity went into space instead of inside its own technology. An inept space captain and his trusty crew stumble upon a damaged freighter sending out a distress signal. Will they be able to defeat the unknown danger and save the day? It's fairly old, so there's not much wait.

"What do you think?"

"I think you should get this damn thing off of me," said Vince, sulking.

"Why bother?" replied Isaac, with a devious grin. "It'll just get overriden when we start the simulation, anyway."

"You're an ass," muttered Vince. "Fine, let's go to..."
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