The Machinist Child

It takes a full two days approaching the sphere to realize just how massive it actually is. It is a giant grooved metal ball with strange lighting designs all over it. You notice there are large circular grooves that you believe to be doorways into the massive structure. Analyzing the sphere you detect no weaponry of any kind. Like any weaponry would be needed, this thing looks like it could barrel through anything. The other archaeologists are scurrying around the ship doing all sorts of analysis you don’t care to understand. The only way you are going to find out anything about this sphere is by going inside it.

However you can’t shake the feeling that something is very wrong. Just looking at the sphere a darkness seems to come over you, a feeling of dread. The voices who told you to come here sounded desperate and in trouble, yet is it worth the risk of yourself, Mora and the scientists to help a group of people who you don’t even know? You don’t know where they are, who they are or what they truly want. And what the heck is a machinist child? The whole thing sounds too risky to your sensibilities.