The Machinist Child

This whole situation strikes you as a potentially dangerous situation. Your not about to wait around some sphere hoping it will open. You decide to steer the ship away from it, heading into deep space. The archaeologists are upset about this choice, but you are head of security not them.

A couple minutes after steering away, the voices you heard come back with a vengeance.

"TURN BACK! WE'RE GOING TO DIE. GAREN PLEASE.....PLEASE...TURN BACK!" It's maddening and persists for a couple of hours. You tell Mora about it and she seems concerned for your mental state. Eventually the voices stop.

The next day, Mora comes into the cockpit with you, white as a ghost. She tells you voices ordered her to wrest control of the ship away from you and head back to the sphere, to lock you in a room. You gulp in terror. Someone or...something really really wants you to go to that sphere. Mora tells you she would never harm you and that she will ignore the weird voices.

Another day and no sign of rescue or hope. You are worried your supply of food will run out causing you all to starve to death. You try to keep a positive outlook.

That night, you awake in your bed, thinking you heard someone enter. There is nothing but darkness in the room.

"Is..anyone there?" you say sleepily. No answer.

Something moves swiftly toward your bed, you jolt up quickly and are met with a piercing pain through your chest. A knife. You cry out in pain as your shrouded advesary plunges the blade into your chest again and again.

You die never knowing your killer or the mystery behind the sphere.
End Of Story