Reality Shift

Vince lowered his shades to glare at Isaac. "I love the cock," he said. Vince paused, thinking about what he just said as Isaac started to laugh uncontrollably. "I need your throbbing member inside me," he said, realizing he no longer had any control over the words coming out of his mouth. Opting for sign language, Vince gave Isaac the middle finger.

"Yeah, well, I happen to find it funny," said Isaac, slowly reducing his laughter to a soft chuckle. "Anyway, I figure for our first simulation, we should go for a hardcore battle sim, since Yggdrasil doesn't have many of those. I'm assuming you don't want to wait in an upload line for very long, which leaves us with two choices.

"The first one is 'The Throne of Dagmar'. It's a bit cheesy, but I know the guy, so we can get priority entrance. He's taking his own spin on the current Medieval trend by having the PCs as barbarians fighting againsts wizards, knights, and dragons. It's pretty fun, even if it does usually devolve into a massive PvP gorefest where no one wins.

"The second one is 'Assault on Sector Nine'. It's set in one of those imaginary futures where humanity went into space instead of inside its own technology. An inept space captain and his trusty crew stumble upon a damaged freighter sending out a distress signal. Will they be able to defeat the unknown danger and save the day? It's fairly old, so there's not much wait.

"So, which one do you think?" said Isaac, looking over at his friend. "Well?"

"Gently fondle my balls," replied Vince, crossing his arms angrily.

"Oh, right," said Isaac, grinning from ear to ear. "undo!#Vince."

"Thanks for that, dick."

"You deserved it. So, where are we going?"