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Another Monday Morning

Your pride and joy..Lost..But never forgotten..He was a true legend...

You rock back and forth as you remember the day when you lost your penis. Eyelids so wide open that your eyeballs could simply fall out, and increasing levels of thought, the whispering has returned yet again. And you yearn the days that you could touch this extention of your body, nostalgia overcoming you, and you wish that you could slap someone..At least once...

You live your life on cushions, rocking back and forth. And every two days a sexually attractive woman comes in, to examine you, feed you and abandon you..She leaves her luscious legs and waist exposed. Even thinking of dirty things..The thing between your legs refuses to grow back..Nothing is there anymore..It will never return to it's former position...

As if one cue, the circular metal door clicks, twists round and slowly opens. And the Nurse walks in with her fashionable high-heels. As she bends to check on you, you notice her amazing cleavage, yet such description is unnecessary. Her body's simply over the limits of stunning alright?

"How are you feeling, sir?" You shiver in delight when she talks to you. You think..For the first time...That you're falling in love...

"Now that you're here..My life is complete.." You mutter, your eyes fluttering with lust, obsession, and love.

She slowly leans in closer to your ear, so close that you're tempted to kiss her, but you're certain she won't be flattered, to her you're just some psychopath that enjoys her presence because he knows nobody else.
"You want out...Don't you." It isn't a question.