Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Another Monday Morning

Without hesitation, you fire at the cop without remorse, then fire at the lock that has securely locked you in your cell. You're audacious in your abilities to escape this cell, which gives you deep hope with escaping. Your overconfidence serves you well throughout your sprint, pulling the trigger at every being that enters your path, bullets ricochet off the walls behind you as you make your way out. The walls have a lack of colour. The prisonmates are cheering you on as you pace your way out. You make a swift turn left down another corridoor.

You go deep underground into the laundretted compartment, where you come across a secured vent, it's take multiple shots to open it up, which you do exactly and you're rewarded with the thick metal casing falling off. You hesitate, this could lead into another facility in this prison, but then you hear gunshots which sends you diving into the tunnel.

You crawl your way through, this is where it ends, creating two directions. Left, and right. The most annoying parts of your life is deciding which direction to go, what path to make. Which is what life is all about. The asinine choices you had made previously, is what had brought you here. That is a choice, left, right, foward, and backwards. Unfortunately, you've only got two options.










Right, that was stupid. I know. But let's make a decision here, and fast.