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Another Monday Morning

I think I've just ruined the story :/

You sit on the wall with Venom and munch on a devine delicate sandwich, and you reminisce old times with him like he's been your friend for ages, in fact, he was your best friend before he decided to be inside of Venom. It's a little dusty in this room, the light that shines through the bars reveal a few dust mites and a fly is buzzing around the room like it's mentally fucking deranged. least the tea is nice. It doesn't gain your exact satisfaction, due to it's strong taste, but it's nice nevertheless. Venom has also brought a few slices of chocolate cake, it tastes amazing, the way the icing dissolves in your mouth, it's too sweet for Venom though, so he decided to throw it out the fucking window..even though he could've given it to you. Aww Well, he's a good guy truly, he remembers old times like it was yesterday, you like the guy.

You hear the clang as the door is currently being unlocked. The guards must be coming in to beat you or something cruel and unneeded. The door opens and a tall, but unmistakeably muscular man walks in, you know if you didn't become Spiderman, he could easily smash your bones into brittle hollow objects that would be beyond repair. (Meaning, never be fixed)

Do you act now to escape, or do you prefer to stay here and reminisce old times with your friend?