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Revenge of the Ronin

It has been some seven months since your master was killed by your enemy, the Yoritomo clan. On that day you swore revenge against their leader, the daimyo Minamoto Yoritomo, but instead, you had to go into hiding and pretend to be a peasant. All the while, you had to face the shame of being a ronin. Most honourable samurai would have killed themselves rather than be in your position, but you must carry out the oath you made that fateful day. Now, over half a year later, the time for your vengeance draws near.

It is midday and you are walking down the middle of a dusty road, about a day's travel from the castle of your sworn enemy. You are wearing full armour, and you carry with you a bow and a full quiver of arrows. On your belt are your long and short swords.

Up ahead, you can hear the sounds of fighting. Curious about who would be fighting a battle, you follow the sound. Soon you come upon a small farming village. You see that several bandits on horseback are raiding. Their only opposition is a pitiful militia the villagers have banded together. Unless something is done, you do not doubt the village will be destroyed and many lives lost.