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The Island of Destiny

"All right, fine," you say in a raspy voice very unlike your own.

Shmitty gives an ugly grin and then twiddles his knife around in his hand. "Now remember, one bad move and yeh'll be bleedin out on this sand. Now we wouldn't wan' that now would we?"

Not wanting that, you follow him miserably side-by-side towards his large pirate ship looming in the distance across the sea. Shmitty makes sure to keep a good distance from you and the tree line, with him as a barrier in the middle. The two of you approach a small wooden boat and he beckons you to get in first.

You climb in and settle down in the moldy boat and as you glance at Shmitty, you see that he is not looking at you anymore but instead gazing out at the ship. Following his gaze, you then see that another large ship has entered into the midst. It nears the pirates and you can hear faint yelling from the ships.

"Yar, the Navy approaches!" Shmitty yells and grabs you quickly by your collar. You trip and fall to the sand where he hastily picks you up and jabs his knife threateningly into your back.

"Well guess this means it'll just be you and me findin' that treasure after all. How about yeh be a good friend now and lead ol' Shmitty there. We'll ehh...split it down the middle." You can tell by his tone that he's grinning as he says this last bit.

But a flame of hope erupted in your chest as you saw Shmitty's expression as the Navy approached. He's scared now and you could use that to your advantage. But you'll have to think quick and know when to act.

Where should you lead him?