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The Island of Destiny

You spit on the ground and bravely choose to respond. "Let me go right now, Bones."

The captain lets out a deep laugh and says vengefully "We'll see how one whole day tied to this tree suits yeh."
He then walks away, his cohort with the dagger following behind.

For a few moments, you stand there with a rebellious feeling, still tied to the tree. You feel very confident after standing up to the pirate captain like that. But as the hours wear on and the sky grows darker, you begin to feel less gutsy and more stupid for declining an offer of food. You're stomach is rumbling and you're starting to get dry-mouth.


After a nearly sleepless night, you are still tied to the tree the next day. It's midday now and you are dehydrated, starving, and delusional. You gaze off into the ocean, mind wandering far away. You don't even notice as Shmitty approaches you and you only take notice as you hear him say "Hardy, looks like you had a rough night, eh?"

He then cuts you loose from the tree and surprised, you collapse to the ground, legs so weary from standing. Shmitty kicks you and spits down at you yelling "Get up now! Yer comin with me to the ship!"

You are still very delusional, but you realize the very simple choice before you now. Which path will you take?