Beautiful Melody

The idea of walking to the park in the rain wasn't completely off putting, the worst thing that could happen is we all get colds. I carefully weighed my options, as I thought I could feel my sisters' eyes watching me intently as they waited patiently for my answer.

Nancy's 13 so if she wanted to take Cassie to the park, she's more then old enough to do so. However our loving father has damaged her far worse then myself or Cassie, I guess it sucks being the middle child.

After much consideration I finally turned back to my sisters "Alright, let's go to the park" Their eyes brightened with excitement upon hearing my answer "Go get some long sleeved shirts on" I informed them as I got to my feet, if we were going to be out in the rain, I could at least attempt to keep them from getting sick. I however decided to stay in my clothes, what was the point in dirtying another outfit.

My sisters were quick to return to my bedroom, not only had they put on long sleeved shirts but they had gone the extra step and put on rain jackets.

You have 1 choice: