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This prediction could be risky. At first glance, it looks easy: passively await the person who is supposedly going to contribute something important to my life. Sit back and let Fate deliver the goods. All I have to do is...nothing, really. But doing nothing can be tricky. Am I supposed to shun everyone all day? And how would this "someone" even notice me if I did?

See? Horoscopes make no sense!

Okay, if I really wanted to keep to myself, I should stay home today. I don't really fancy the fallout from that; the world wouldn't end if I stayed home, but certain of my peers in magazine editorial land don't seem to realize that. There'd be minor hell to pay later on.

Still, I faked being sick last year when the relationship with Mr. Creep-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ended. I can do it again.

But should I?