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The Island of Destiny

As you run in with your rifle, Xavier pulls the trigger on the boar and with a loud BANG, it falls down dead. Jack laughs and gives Xavier a clap on the back. They both stride over to the boar and kneel down to examine it. Even from your distance, you can tell it is an impressive kill.

You return to the rest of your hunting party with boar in tow. Robert chuckles to himself and mutters something about being clever. You settle down for a few minutes and eat a small lunch, then you all gather your things and continue on towards the hunt. Xavier does not participate in the rest of the hunt and goes back to camp with his boar on his back.

Eventually, you and your party spot a pack of pigs. Quietly, you all look down the barrels of your rifles and carefully scope the scene. Just then, some bushes are rustled by another animal coming through and the pigs start to walk away.

It is then that your finger accidentally slips and you pull your trigger. A loud BANG is heard through the woods. The pigs are now running through the woods and Jack swears loudly before chasing after them with his rifle.

As you follow his lead, you watch as Jack trips and falls over himself. His head scrapes a rock. But Jack is tough and he picks himself up a moment later. But alas it is too late and you both know you now have no chance of catching up to the pigs.

You then hear the voice of Robert calling your name. You and Jack make your way through the jungle till you find your way to a cliffside overlooking the ocean where Robert and Eddie stand.

They gaze at you, then look towards a small, rope bridge you just notice. You discover in awe that this bridge leads to a smaller cliff, where a ladder leads down to another larger, metal bridge constructed above the surface of the ocean. This bridge leads a good ways across the sea to a smaller island just off the coast.

You point out there and ask "Who built that bridge? And what's on that island?"

Robert just shakes his head and says "Unfortunately, I know the answer to neither of those questions."

Well, should you explore this newfound discovery? Or head back to camp to see if Tyler made it back yet?