Mediocre Moose Maulings!!

Realizing the two of you just wouldn't work out, and would totally be one more character the writer would have to think about when writing their dialogue, you walk out of the doorway.
"I'll...always remember this moment, as the daddy issues laden goth girl that got away.
You slowly walk back up the stairs,when Zelda runs back after you.
"Nate, wait!" You pause, and you can hear Zelda try to coe up with the words she's trying to say, "Nate..I've got a nice thing going on with Orpheus, and I don't want to risk losing it over a morning of romance with a robot."
"No you don't."

And then you went back into your room, and became very sad about not being able to have emotions. You shed a single tear.

The end! :DS<
End Of Story