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YOU save the entire Universe!

You meet Miss P at the Scat Club, an exclusive restaurant on the plush upper east side of Gothic, with a three year waiting list and the rudist, most arrogant staff on the planet. The Scat Club is so exclusive it can get away with offering food no better than McDonalds on a bad day and still charge upwards of $3000 a head. If life has taught you nothing else it's how to treat a lady!
Your chaufeur driven limo collects Miss Pseudonym and the two of you sip Crystal from diamond flutes on the way to the bistro.
On arrival, the Maitre D' treats you like excrement as you are reluctantly shown to your table. You are kept waiting for an hour and a half before the menu appears. Surely she will be impressed!
Time to open the conversation. Waying up years of experience in wooing the fairer sex, you decide on a killer opening line: