Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Jourdan rose slowly to her feet, the wind blowing hard around her.
"Give me full thrusters, pull the remaining support teams out of quadrants 7, 8 and 10, divert all auxiliary power to our starboard shields. Give the final word to the Corolla squads to pull back."
Jess was commanding from her earpiece communicator. To Jourdan's left a war torn police office stood holding a young girl. He moved towards her. Above her Steve and Michael clashed.
"Warning, alert, realty tear containment system failure imminent, 40% containment. Warning, Warning 30%..-". Some sort of female voiced alarm was stating the obvious.
This annoyed Jourdan, but not as much as the ginormouse arcs of raw power that were swinging larger and larger around the original tear thingy that Mike was trying to use to…well destroy things she supposed…
"You know, he really is trying to save us all…" Nicole stood there beside Jourdan. Jourdan looked at her. "Really now?"
Jess stood from her chair, shouting commands as her ship swung along the perimeter of the San Francisco Bay. "Sir! Are you seeing these readings?" one of the support Mormons yelled to her from a console to her left. "Jourdan!" Jess yelled into her earpiece.
Robbie rose to his feet looking around, Scott to his left, Adam was still down. Burger was standing, weakly while Derek was dragging a barely conscience Dustin. Lee hobbled desperately to Jourdan… "For god's sake please help me" he shouted over the scream of the wind. Jourdan shouted into her communicator, "Jess, how many corollas are still in the vicinity"
"Jourdan! Were getting these strange rea-"
"Answer me now Captain!"
"None, but sir, the four squad leaders stayed prepped in the SPOT landing bay"
"Wong, Brinkerhoff, Krpan, and Kelly?"
"Right, but sir, were getting massive readings of evil in your vicinity!"
"Get them airborne Jess, I need an Alpha code extraction of the cop and the girl from this hanger."
"Sir, these readings arn't coming from the reality tear."
Nicole looked in terror at her hands as Jourdan grasped her ear communicator trying to hear. "I..I can no longer control them…" Nicole whispered to herself, Robbie slowly turned around. The SPOT landing bay doors opened as 4 black corollas screamed out into the open. The clones and demons that had been clouding the skies had disappeared or been destroyed. The Mormon pilots continued towards the Gabok

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